(2 Corinthians 4:5-10)
speaking, I'm not very familiar with fibromyalgia, but I can tell you
what I plan to do when it comes to most important events in my kid's
life like her graduation, confirmation, first day of college,
wedding... provided we aren't all healed by then, that is. This
advice can also be used for surviving big holidays, vacations, or

2. Change
your expectations.
Accept that maybe the most you can do in you girls' dressing room is
sit in a chair and talk and laugh with them. You don't have to be the
one running around making sure everything is just so, and you don't
have to be in every picture, you don't have to dance to every song or
talk to every guest. Ask someone to do your hair and makeup that day.
These days aren't about you, and that should take a load off. All you
to do is be present and listen.
Ask for help on
those really big important days.
Delegate & Moderate. Do
over do it on the days leading up to the event! You're not the only
one who can adapt to a new normal. Your family and friends can help
you meet your needs without making these special days about you. Talk
to your husband, your daughters (who will be older), and your family
and friends about your fears, and when they ask if there is anything
they can do to help, be prepared to tell them what they can do.
Someone can drive you to get your hair done or pick up your dry
cleaning. Another can take you shopping for that
comfortable outfit. Let your doctor know when an event is
coming up that you don't want to miss. Maybe he can help you get
through that day if it turns out to be a bad one. Don't turn your
back on doctor-sanctioned medication on these once-in-a-lifetime
days. But
never ever NO
try a new medication for the first time on that special day!!! Give
it a few test runs first, or you might really be in a bad way.
If the worst happens and you're forced to miss an important event,
get creative and plan a no-stress makeup event for just mom and daughter. If
you miss helping her get ready for her prom, pick another night to
get all dolled-up with her and go out to a fancy restaurant. If you
missed her preschool graduation, invite the grandparents and put on a
ceremony in your living room. The living room is also a great place
for a makeup recital or play. This will be create precious, unique
memories for you and your kiddos. Also, I suggest writing a letter to
your oldest daughter about missing her preschool graduation, how sad
it made you feel and why, and then save it. The next time you're
forced to miss an event you wanted to attend, do the same thing.
These letters may very well prove invaluable if you're ever on the
phone with one of your daughters and she's in tears because her own
kid graduated from preschool that day, and she couldn't make it
because one of her patients went into cardiac arrest or she went into
labor with her second kiddo or her car just plain wouldn't start. ;)
Now speaking
from the heart, you already know you shouldn't beat yourself up for
missing events in your kids' lives due to your illness because while
you're missing a few events, you are NOT missing their lives: lives
that you
helped make. You were there for their first breath! We treasure
moments with our kids to be sure, but we treasure our kids more. Your
daughters want you at all their special days, I have no doubt, but
you aren't letting your kids down. Fibromyalgia is. You are not your
disease. Your disease is your cross. You are a Mom. Your kids know
you love them with all your heart, and even at such young ages, they
get that you're not staying in bed on purpose. Kids can be amazingly
understanding if we just talk to them honestly and openly, and let
them into our world even if it means letting them in on a little of
our pain.
being said, give way to the disappointment and guilt you harbor
inside. Let yourself cry about it, be angry about it, confess it to
God. (See "A Broken & Contrite Heart")“Bucking up” when you feel like garbage won't do anyone any
good. Then, once you've had a good cry, remind yourself of the truth,
of the good things left for you, and of the promise of God to be with you
always and to wipe every tear from your eye (Mt. 28:20; Rev. 21:4). Jesus loves you no
matter what. (Rom. 5:8; Heb. 13:8) He loves your daughters. He saw your little girl
graduate. Pray for peace of mind and strength of body (Phil. 4:4-7). Confess to God
the Father how guilty you feel, how put-upon you are (1 John 1:9), and ask Him to
take the guilt and helplessness from your heart and replace it with a
little compassion for yourself (Ps. 18:6). You know, the kind of compassion and
understanding you'd show any other person in your shoes without
thinking, but that we seem to think we cannot show ourselves even though it is commanded, albeit not directly (Lk. 10:27).
I'm sorry
you're sick, Alone, but I am glad you found us.
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