Sunday, October 25, 2015

One Toddler's List of Favorite Books

Reading is good for everyone: Moms, Dads, Babies, Toddlers, Big Kids, Grandmas and Grandpas... any time of day, not just for potty training and bedtime. The rate at which our culture is reading less and less is astounding, and is able to read less and less content less and less well, not to mention troubling. (I'd attach an article, but it's probably better to google it if you're interested in reading more about... ah, not reading). The best way to combat the loss if this particular part of our intelligence? READ! Read ourselves, read to our children, and let them read to us, every single day. It's an interactive activity that promotes bonding, comprehension, imagination, creativity, independence, thought, grammar, speech... and it's something chronically ill Moms can do with our little ones on even our worst of days. 

Having one Grandma who is a teacher and another who is a voracious reader has helped my little Josie's library grow exponentially. We are also members of The Dolly Parton Imagination Library where Josie receives a free book in the mail every month, and she is subscribed to Highlight's Magazine every month by one of her Grandmas. We read a lot in this house! But Josie has her favorites. Here is a list of my toddler's favorite books, in no particular order. If you kiddo has a favorite book that isn't listed, please share it in the comments for other parents.

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